Redefining the parameters of quality and innovation, We MECOL LTD. introduce ourselves as a manufacturing company that has specialization in Office, School, Hospital, Library and Shelving furniture. We are based at Industrial Area, Nairobi. Our company is backed by sound experience of 40 years and thus have an intense knowledge about the market trends and requirements that are generated from time to time.
MECOL LTD. is a pacesetter in the Office and Institutional Furniture industry. If you are thinking of furniture - think MECOL!
All the items included on this website are standard. However MECOL is able to fabricate custom furniture as per customer requirements.
For further details CLICK HERE to submit your requirements to us.
Commercial Street, Industrial Area
P.O. Box 49861 - 00100 Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel: +254-20-6531371/2/3/4 | Cell: +254-727-162127
Fax: +254-20-6532502 | E-mail:
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Web: www.mecol.co.ke